Post-Install Steps

After successfully setting up the Vagrant environment, you will want to actually access your sandbox.

Start by connecting to the Vagrant box using vagrant ssh. (Consider running all of the following in a screen or tmux session.)

After you connect to your Vagrant box, make sure you are in the intranet directory and run workon ion to access your Python virtual environment.

You will then need to run python migrate to set up the Postgres database.

You can then start the built-in Django web server with fab runserver. Now that you are running the development server, open a browser to and log in. If this is your first time attempting this, see _setting-up-groups, then use the default master password (swordfish) to login. If it fails, check the output of python runserver.

Setting Up Groups

Currently, there are no default groups set up when you first install Ion. In order to grant yourself administrative privileges, you must be a member of the admin_all group.

To create and add yourself to this group, run the following commands (substituting your username for <USERNAME>):

$ ./ shell_plus
>>> user = User.objects.get_or_create(username="<USERNAME>")[0]
>>> group = Group.objects.get_or_create(name="admin_all")[0]
>>> user.groups.add(group)
>>> user.is_superuser = True

Connecting and Disconnecting from the VM

When you want to close the VM environment, make sure you have exited out of the ssh session and then run vagrant suspend. To resume the session, run vagrant resume. Suspending and resuming is significantly faster than halting and starting, and also dumps the contents of the machine’s RAM to disk.

Setting up Files

You can find a list of file systems at intranet/apps/files/ To add these systems so that they appear on the Files page, run the statements found in the file. A sample is shown below:

$ ./ shell_plus
>>> Host.objects.create(name="Computer Systems Lab", code="csl", address="", linux=True)

Changing Master Password

The master password for development enviornments is swordfish.

In non-Vagrant environments, you should set a master password different from the default. Ideally, this password should have many bits of entropy and should be randomly generated.

We use the secure Argon2 hashing algorithim to secure our master password. To set the master password, set MASTER_PASSWORD to the string output of the below script (after changing values as appropriate) in After changing this value, restart Ion.

from argon2 import PasswordHasher

# Change this password to the new master password.
password = "CHANGE_ME"

# These are the Django defaults. Change as needed.
time_cost = 2
memory_cost = 512
parallelism = 2
h=PasswordHasher(time_cost=time_cost, memory_cost=memory_cost, parallelism=parallelism)